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Bluff Valley Farm Natural Meats

About Bluff Valley Farm Natural Meats:

We are a farm family with deep roots in agriculture. Our ancestors settled our farm in the 1860's and our children are the sixth generation to operate this land. Originally, conventional farmers, we felt the need to treat our land more sustainably and to produce products that were as healthy as possible. Thus we began the transition to organic farming five years ago. We have implemented rotational grazing to our livestock production. We have a great respect for the land and want to have our children continue doing the same in the future. We feel the personal relationship between producer and consumer is crucial in today's world of corporate agriculture and generic food. Thus, we direct market as much as possible, and feel that all of our customers are like family to us. We appreciate your support as we strive to grow healthy food for all of our customers and their families. Please give our products a try and taste the difference.

General Practices:

Beef and lamb are produced with no added hormones or antibiotics. They are grazed and/or fed organically-grown hay and later finished on non-GMO grains. All animals are born on our farm. Our broiler chickens and turkeys are all pasture-raised using "Salatin-style" methods, moved to fresh grass twice daily, and fed non-GMO grains and no antibiotics. We use an organic vitamin and mineral premix in our poultry feed. Beef and lamb is processed under USDA inspection and all poultry is processed in a state inspected plant.


Please watch our product listings for our "Holiday Turkeys" in the cycle prior to Thanksgiving. These are raised like our chickens on organic pasture and non-GMO grains.

Product Types:

Naturally-grown beef, lamb, and free-range pastured poultry. Possibly free-range eggs, when available.
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Meats & Poultry Turkey

Bluff Valley Farm Natural Meats

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1033 15 Holiday Turkeys (Pastured with non-GMO feed)
$9.72 / pound All Natural frozen
These are the traditional broad-brested white turkeys grown on pasture like our broilers, moved to fresh grass daily, fed no antibiotics, and using our home grown non-GMO corn and organic feed supplements. These birds take less time to bake as they are not injected with all the water and chemicals that are contained in store-bought turkeys. Try one of these for a very special dinner. No extra processing fee. No pre-order or deposit required. Weights range from 15 to 23 pounds, please specify a size preference, we will do our best to come as close as possible. These turkeys look especially nice this year! NOTE - these will NOT include giblets, but you may order them separately.
Order number of turkeys. You will be billed for exact weight (between 19.00 and 28.00 pounds)
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3293 5 Turkey Giblets
$7.07 / bag All Natural frozen
Turkey giblets are great for making stuffing or gravies. The bags contain one each of the neck, gizzard, liver and heart.
Order number of bag of giblets.