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Johnson Farm

About Johnson Farm:

We are a family owned farm and have around 8 acres planted in vegetables. Johnson Farm is committed to the production of safe and high quality foods. It is our goal to produce premium quality fruits and vegetables using good agricultural practices to insure quality and productivity.

We started raising vegetables in 1989. Our main crops at this time were tomatoes, watermelons and cantaloupe.

We use plastic mulch and drip tape to control weeds plus good cultivation practices. To increase soil fertility we use crop rotation, mulching and if we have to spray we use organic sprays.

General Practices:

We manage the soil to keep insects from overwintering. Plant disease resistant plants and start our own plants.

Product Types:

tomatoes, variety of peppers hot and sweet, potatoes, watermelons cantaloupe, pop-corn, lettuce, cabbage, kohlarabi,
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