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Al-Be Farm

About Al-Be Farm:

We began our foray into animal farming with our heritage chickens - Rhode Island Reds. We now raise a wider variety of heritage breeds, determining which perform best in our situation. Because we have lots of predators, including the neighbor's dog and our own dog, we keep them in a chicken tractor, so they are not truly free-range birds. We chose these heritage breed birds to raise due to their flavor and to support diversity in agriculture. If you want to learn more about heritage breeds, go to Heritage chickens take longer to reach "market weight" than modern broilers and, therefore, are not as tender as the chicken we are accustomed to cooking today. This means we have to relearn some of the techniques our parents and grandparents knew. Here is a link to information for cooking with heritage meat birds: We also have raised ringneck pheasant and various types of quail, using the same practices as for the heritage breed chickens. Additionally, we have laying quail (give quail eggs a try - we love them!) and are foraging various plants on our acreage. We use ethical foraging practices. We welcome any feedback you have for us!

General Practices:

Our birds are regularly moved to fresh pasture and fed non-GMO grain-based feed from Nebraska farmers. This feed is non-medicated and we do not use antibiotics unless required for the health of the animal.

Product Types:

Heritage breed chickens; specialty fowl; chicken and quail eggs
More detailed information about this producer
Meats & Poultry Chicken

Al-Be Farm

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8482 1 Stewing hens
$9.10 / pound All Natural frozen
These stewing hens have reached the end of their egg-laying days and are now ready to make delicious, nutritious broth, soups and stewed dishes for you.

We can send information about cooking with heritage birds, as not all cooking techniques are appropriate for these birds. We do not include the organs with the birds.

Our hens lived in chicken tractors on fresh, unsprayed pasture for most of the years. They spend the cold months in their 'winter quarters' where they are protected from wind, snow and ice. Daily rations include non-GMO grain feed from Wagon Wheel Farm. We appreciate any feedback you wish to share with us!
Order number of hens. You will be billed for exact weight (between 2.00 and 5.00 pounds)