NEW! Announcing a Two-Week Cycle for 2014!

NFC is starting the new year in DOUBLE time…that is, delivery days now occur every other week.

Jan/Feb Cycle
January and February 2014 Cycle

Doubling the delivery opportunities will help not only the producers get more product to you more often, but come summer and fall, vegetable producers will get it to you fresher!

Some delivery sites will sometimes choose alternate schedules, so be sure to verify with your site coordinator that your delivery site is open for both monthly cycles.

If your particular site decides to take a cycle off, don’t worry.  You can still order, but you will need to select another delivery site for that cycle.

Just refer to the Select Locations to find an alternate delivery site. Likewise, any producer may opt to only provide products one cycle per month so be sure to check product offerings during both cycles in a given month.

Note: BELV1 will only be open for pick-ups on January 23, February 20, March 20, April 3, and April 17 for the first quarter of 2014.

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